
a group of people standing around each other

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NC | Grief Support

For anyone dealing with the loss of a loved one.

Nelson County

114 Manor Avenue, Bardstown, KY

Wednesdays 7:00 PM

Rummage // Men's

Austin and Woody are cousins whose relationship grew apart at adulthood, but was brought back together by God’s plan. Now, on fire for Christ, they want to dive into His Word and build community. They are hosting a men’s Bible study focused on how scripture relates today. All ages and stages of faith are welcome!

Nelson County


Tuesdays 6:30 PM

Foster/Ballard // Home

Ken & Leesa Foster and Neil Ballard are leading a home group in Washington County. They hope to build connections and grow in God's Word. All ages are welcome to join them, couples, singles, and families with kids.

Nelson County


Wednesdays 6:30 PM

MSM (6th-8th grade) boys

Join us weekly for fun, connection, and food as we build community with Jesus and one another in a way that continues into their NEXT phase of life! This is a group for all Middle School boys 6th-8th grade.

Nelson County


Sundays 4:30 PM

MSM (6th-8th) Grade Girls

Join us weekly for fun, connection and food as we build community with Jesus and one another in a way that continues into their NEXT phase of life! This is a group for all Middle School girls 6th-8th grade.

Nelson County


Sundays 4:30 PM

Himes//Young Couples

Tanner & Amber have a young daughter and a lab. They are excited to host and grow together as a group. They’re looking forward to becoming friends, growing in knowledge & love for the Word and the Lord. They would love for you to join them at their home to hang out, eat a meal, and study the Word together. This group...

Nelson County


BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// 2.2//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTEND:20240829T183001 DTSTAMP:20240105T164927 DTSTART:20240829T183000 RDATE:20240829T183000,20240905T183000,20240912T183000,20240919T183000,2024 0926T183000,20241107T183000,20241114T183000,20241121T183000,20241128T1830 00 SEQUENCE:0 UID:744e5cc2-c167-4070-8572-d194e8ebeabd END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR | Starting: Aug 29

Tims // Home

Brian and Ange will be going over the foundations of the Christian faith and the character of God. A great group for new believers and those who still have questions.

Nelson County


Tuesdays 6:30 PM


Patrick and Andrea have been involved in Nelson County home groups for several years. Now they look forward to building community, at home, in Washington County. Everyone is welcome to join them for Bible study and connection weekly.

Nelson County


Wednesdays 6:30 PM

Smith // Women's

Rene started a weekend Bible study for those that work at night and are off weekends. She hopes to meet everyone right where they are, whether new to groups or a part of them a long time. Everyone has a testimony and love to give. Jesus loves us all and her hope is to establish loving friendships like Jesus.

Nelson County


Saturdays 4:00 PM


Kevin Smith and Tim Sharp know home groups are vital to building community! Expect to building relationships and studying Gods word weekly together. This home group meets in Maywood and is open to everyone.

Nelson County


Wednesdays 6:30 PM

Martena Hamilton//Widows Women

I am Martena Hamilton, a widow of 14 years. I recently joined Southeast Christian Church and was amazed by their welcoming spirit, their love for Jesus and community. Earlier this year, I joined a widows group in Bullitt County. This made me realize the need for Christian widow fellowship while supporting each other and ...

Nelson County

Thursdays 10:30 AM | Starting: Jan 25

Woods // Home

Brad and Rachel Woods have been at Southeast since February 2018. They both teach in local public school systems. Along with their three kids, they enjoy outdoor activities, good movies, and serving together. They are excited to be a part of what God is doing through Southeast in Nelson County. Dessert will be served.

Nelson County


Tuesdays 6:30 PM

Veirs Home

Phil and Mary Jo Veirs live on a farm in the New Haven area where they enjoy their three children, their dogs, and their horses. They will focus on sharing the Gospel to bring restoration to brokenness and simply loving brothers and sisters in Christ. Expect to laugh, shed a few tears and break bread together in a safe,...

Nelson County


Wednesdays 6:30 PM